Who will replace crypto Twitter? šŸ¤”

Edition 2 | Good as Gold | January 26, 2023


Didn't have "crypto apocalypse" on our 2022 bingo card šŸ¤Æ but we made it. Phew.

In our 2nd edition, we're taking a closer look at the chaos engulfing Twitter and what it means for the future of social media in web3. Botched decision-making, censorship, and sheer confusion are rampant at the social media giant. Which platforms can steal Twitter's mantle of leadership in this time of chaos?

Youā€™ll have to read on to find out.

Meanwhile, as a wise social media influencer once said: ā€œAI will not replace peopleā€™s jobs, people using AI will.ā€ Weā€™re dropping some practical alpha on leveraging AI marketing tools in our newest ā€˜Cheat Sheetā€™ section. Check it out.

All your intel is below. Let's do it.


  • šŸ“° In the News

  • ā™Ÿ Strategy Corner: Replacing crypto Twitter

  • šŸ“ Cheat Sheet: 2-min AI-enhanced blog post

  • šŸ„£ Hot Porridge

This month's newsletter is 905 words, a 3-minute read.


Another day, another round of layoffs. If have to do it, do it right. Remember these 3 things: empathy, transparency, and support. Read More

There's a new media network in town. News vets from Bloomberg to BBC have teamed up to launch DL News. Company execs aim to capture an editorial void in blockchain. Read More

Where did all the cash go? VC funding in crypto is down 82.5% YoY and dropping. Translation: stash your cash and extend your runway. Read More

Game of Thrones NFT flop. Winter is here, so GoT got in on the action. Minting issues and poor designs galore, itā€™s become a laughing stock on Twitter. @HBO, yikes. Read More


With relentless controversy and increasing echo chamber vibes, "Twixit"ā€”or the predicted loss of more than 30 million active Twitter users over the next two yearsā€”is underway. The stakes couldnā€™t be higher and we all need to start considering Twitterā€™s replacement.

So who will it be?

Weā€™re putting our chips behind Lens Protocol. Before you cancel us, here are 3 reasons why:

  • Alignment with web3 values

  • Ability to achieve network effects

  • Ease of adoption

How is Lens going to beat the competition on each of these 3 fronts?

  1. Itā€™s being developed by the team behind AAVE (one of the largest and most respected players in DeFi and web3)

  2. Itā€™s true to decentralization principles (enables applications to be built on top and users to easily own and port their data wherever they see fit)

  3. Itā€™s built on Polygon (Ethereum-compatible and layer of choice for major brands like Nike, Starbucks, Meta, Disney, Coca-Cola and more)

Other possible successors include Mastodon and Nostr. While Mastodon has been thrown around and serves as the infrastructure layer for Truth Social, there are cracks in claims of decentralization and itā€™s widely used to repost Tweets. Read more on Mastodon here.

Thereā€™s also Nostr, an up-and-comer being funded by Twitter co-founder and Bitcoin maximalist Jack Dorsey. While the platform is open-source and ā€œcensorship-resistant,ā€ adoption has been slow and its user base is very niche. You can find more on the vision here.

If we know one thing, itā€™s that the battle for Twitter's succcessor will be fierce. One might say DYOR, but we just did it for you, didnā€™t we? šŸ˜‰


STEP 1: Log in to ChatGPT. Ask it to create a list of keywords around a specific topic such as the intersection of web3 and hospitality. Here is an example of the prompt:

Provide a list of keywords that could be useful for a blog focused on the intersection of web3 and hospitality.

STEP 2: Pick the keywords youā€™d like to focus on and ask for blog article ideas around that specific keyword. Here is an example of the prompt:

Please give me 10 blog article ideas about hospitality and decentralized applications.

STEP 3: Ask ChatGPT to write the blog post based on your selection from Step 2. Here is an example of the prompt:

Write a 200-word blog post on "The future of hotel bookings: How decentralized applications are revolutionizing the industry.ā€

STEP 4: Edit and personalize.

VoilĆ !

Thereā€™s your 2-min AI-enhanced blog post. Happy blogging! šŸ˜Š

šŸ„£ HOT PORRIDGE (aka hot takes)

AI creator tools: Obviously hot and getting hotter. Get ahead of the competition and see how apps like ChatGPT, Jasper.ai, and Grammerly can instantly up your marketing game.

TikTok: Who will control the future of the internet? Gen Z. Whatā€™s Gen Zā€™s favorite channel? TikTok. Do yourself a favor and DO NOT ignore this platform.

Industry conferences: Sure, conferences can be a snoozefest. But the perks? Brand exposure and networking - investments that yield plentiful dividends in time. Choose your attendance wisely.

Thatā€™s a wrap for this month šŸŽ‰ Follow us on Twitter @goldiblocks_ for more insights, advice, and an occasional hot take..

GOLDIBLOCKS is a marketing and PR firm helping web3 founders and founding teams tell their stories and supercharge their growth.

DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.